Friday, June 29, 2012

I Whip My Hair Back and Forth...LOL

Hey Beautiful People,

June is here and I feel the Sun coming Out!
I LOVE the Season of Summer.
It’s the perfect weather for attending as many Jazz Festivals as possible!

I Love my 80's Ponytail
By the way...I did go out on a Date with that “so-called” Basketball Player and “he just wasn’t my cup of tea”, LOL.

In summary, he was cheap (we went to BJ’s instead of what I suggested P.F. Changs), his conversation was boring (I couldn’t wait to get up out of there), he came on too strong (felt the need to talk about my “spirit” and “aura”) and his outfit was from the 1980’s (remember the parachute windbreaker jumpsuits…uh yeah…I was like Really? This is the same guy who initially told me he was looking for a mall that had the Armani and Gucci store) and lastly….I found out he has 3 kids. That’s a deal breaker for me, I’m done!

Here’s the Single Ladies Ratio my younger sister taught me sometime ago. If I have 0 kids then the man is allowed to have 1. She told me that you can’t expect any man of my age (30 ish :) not to have any kids…we have to be realistic. However you don’t have to accept the “Brady Bunch” either unless you are comfortable with integrating into this family. Clearly I'm not.

Don’t get me wrong I’ve met men with children and I can handle 1, maybe 2 depending on their ages but 3 “no bueno”. So that Date was a Bust! and I haven’t been on any others since. I really think I’m going to get on next and see what happens J. I’m not a fan of the Free Single websites because I think “everybody and they mama” will get on those (no offense to those that utilize them). If you have any good reviews of these sites feel free to stop by and Comment and let me know what your experience has been. As for my preference I'm going to need to weed out some of the cheap dates and I’m willing to invest a little money into my future. I will keep you posted on how that endeavor goes!

New Edition Concert! Oh Yeah
Ronnie, Bobby, Ricky and Mike...Ralph and Johnny too!

I almost did not go to this Concert people! My head was hurting, I was tired, my sister and I were running late and I didn’t have anything to wear. But I mustered up the strength, threw on some clothes and made it happen. I am so Happy I went. We heard all the old school jams and had a blast. Of course I had to run into some people I know…because it's a small world. Don’t you love it when a guy sees you and gives you all the Attention in the world because he obviously misses you,  but the minute you are out of his eye sight you are out of his mind. That’s a Red flag for me! So sad which is why we are...Moving on.  It was a great Concert and I had a good time. Now all I have to do is find out when Boys II Men are performing so I can complete my Old School Roster!

Okay so I mentioned Jazz Festivals’ at the beginning of the Blog…
Upcoming in the Month of August is
RnB Live at Pomona Fairplex,
JazzFest West in San Dimas and
 The Long Beach Jazz Festival…whose going with me J?
 If they have a Sunday Jazz date...I plan on being there!

P.S. I forgot to mention I will be in Washington, D.C. for my Family Reunion 4th of July weekend. So let's see if I can have a little fun on my vacation!

The Adventures of Single and Fabulous will Go Down
on the East Coast next week.... so stay tuned...until then Smooches!

Monday, June 4, 2012

All Dressed Up with Nowhere to Go

Hey Beautiful People,

I'm soooooooo frustrated over my Memorial Day weekend.

I came off of a rough work week and my Saturday night ended with me taking someone's kid to foster care.... I needed a drink and my 2 step.

So I admit, I decided to try and go to an ALL White Party at the last minute because I didn't want to have a 3 day weekend to go to waste.

Unfortunately, I didn't go see my Stylist this week and my hair wasn't done because I was suppose to be going to the gym (i'm still working on that part :) So I was going to have to create a miracle with these blonde/brown tresses!

Sunday morning: I dragged my sister into this mess and convinced her WE needed to go out to celebrate the Weekend.

1st on my Agenda -  I found a dress at my favorite spot Philthy Ragz...where you can never go wrong!

Then, I hit up my homeboy and told him I was going to swing through to the Geisha House in Hollywood focused on having a good time because its been awhile.

Sunday Afternoon: My sis and I went to the mall looking for a white blazer for her and accessories.

Sunday night: Faces were "beat" as usual...and We were fashionably late as usual..what did you expect ;)

Outside the Geisha House, no line? (red flag)......Paid $20......Get inside and it's a small room with a crowd of people.....Really is this it? So I found out there is another room in the Club but it just hasn't opened up yet. But after looking at this crowd of people it just wasn't "my cup of tea".

First of all, Why do you invite people to an All White Party and not enforce the dress code??? If this was the case I would have worn whatever the hell I had in the closet. Second, why are there always more girls then guys. Third, did you even look at who you invited to this party...any and everybody???

I'm sorry but I openly admit that I have bougie tendencies! If I wanted to go to a hood party I would have hit up a house party, there is a time and a place for everything. But when I'm dressed to the 9's and trying to find a husband I'm trying to go Upscale. Well apparently I wasn't in the right place because my sister and I left within the first 20 minutes as it wasn't our type of crowd. I was so disappointed and had to inform my homeboy that my expectations were much different that what he was promoting.  He normally has a good track record :(

We then tried to go to another destination Jon B Live at the Conga Room but I was told there were way too many women there too! Another failed mission.

We were All Dressed Up with nowhere to was such a disappointment.

Home was my final destination.

I'm so sad that I wasn't in Las Vegas with my boys Dana and Kasey :( now THEY know how to party!
So now I'm planning my vacations way in advance! Labor Day weekend I will not be at work. My vacation is being planned now! For the upcoming Jazz Festivals I will be buying my tickets in advance! I will never deal with this situation again! I Definitely need to find another job ASAP, these hours are ruining my social life!

Speaking of Social Life.....I met a guy at the gas station by accident.

Okay here's the quick version:

I was working in Long Beach Friday night and was trying to get some gas.
He asked me for directions to Lakewood Mall, I helped him out

He mentioned he was from NY just bought a house in Signal Hill and just moved out here to play for the Clippers...whaaaaat?

Oh Lord, please don't set me up again!
I said he looked a little short to be playing for the Clippers (i was clownin)

He got the joke and stated he was a point guard (ummmmmmm hmmmmmm).

He mentioned he wanted to go shopping to pick up a few pieces from Gucci and Armani so I redirected him to South Coast Plaza.

He thanked me for taking the time out to help a brotha out and offered to take me to lunch.
We exchanged numbers... Not bad huh?.....he seemed cool.

I will keep you posted on any future activities with this one. I haven't confirmed the Clipper status yet so I will let you know when I obtain additional information. Seeing that the season is over he may be on the roster for 2013, we will see???

Until next time...The Adventures of Single and Fabulous must go on...Smooches!