My sad pathetic ass is currently sitting in front of my television watching Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation because I don't have shit to do this New Year's Eve! I've also been dealing with migraines for the past 2 days so even if I did have plans I wouldn't be able to enjoy them anyway...Yeah this sucks! But I didn't want to go into the New Year without writing to you guys one more time, so I decided to write this Blog entry to close out the end of 2015.
Do I want to throw myself a pity party YES. Why you ask? Because 2015 did not go the way I planned it and I'm pissed.

But truthfully I'm really just disappointed in myself because I didn't have a plan and therefore I had nothing tangible to help hold myself accountable. It's very hard to make adjustments to how you normally do things when you're use to doing them a certain way. Meaning...I'm a creature of habit and therefore not a fan of change especially when I don't have what I believe to be "expert knowledge" on how to successfully make a change. But this doesn't mean I shouldn't keep trying. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. So I will be making some changes next year!!
Did I meet my weight loss Goals this year... No
Did I meet my future spouse this year... No
Did I meet my Blog goals this year... No
But Am I going to Quit... NO
I just have to make some adjustments and figure out what works best for Me!
So I'm going to leave you with a few Inspirational Quotes to start the New Year off Right!
Thanks to All my SinglenFab Followers for riding with me in 2015! It's occurred to me that some of us don't either have the time or don't make the time to sit down and read but you guys continue to support me through my journey of Shenanigans.
Here's to a FUN & FABULOUS 2016!!
The Adventures of SingleNFabulous will only Get Better Next Year...