Hi Beautiful People I’ve missed You!
It’s that time of year again…countdown to 2014. Is it just
me or did this year FLY by??? Well I thought I’d get in one last post before
the New Year!! Thank you for All of your Support.
Now Let’s review My 2013 Shenanigans.
Thank goodness for Social
Media outlets like Facebook & Instagram
Part I, Bruce's Birthday Brunch with his closest friends at the Four Seasons Biltmore Hotel, Santa Barbara!
Gorgeous View!
Shout out to my Younger Sis
Vanessa…Celebrated her Birthday this Month.
I was working for LA County DCFS as a Children's Social Worker and regardless of the stress and complaints I am still proud to be a Social
with our Girl Sharinna @ Rooftop 3100!

Celebrated my Dad’s Birthday…He’s
Such a Simple Man…
and the reason why I’m single! LOL
Had sooo much Fun in Las Vegas
with my "partner in crime" Timi for the Las Vegas City of Lights Jazz Festival. We are definitely doing that again!
Field Trip to the Courtyard
Marriott Hotel in Pasadena with the MHS Ladies to plan our 20 Year High School
We celebrated my niece Kamille’s
12th Birthday with her “Converse All Star Crew” at Knott’s Berry
Played Thick Chic Model for a Day to help out MY younger sister and Owner of Thic Chic Boutique - Vanessa!
Attended the 35th
Annual Playboy Jazz Festival…Never Again, Lol, I’ve been to better Jazz

Middle of June..I QUIT MY JOB! Yaaaay! I stepped out on Faith and made the decision to take control of my destiny!
Totally enjoyed the Justin Bieber Concert with my One and Only Favorite niece Kamille!!
Celebrated the BET Experience at LA Live, where our boy Darren hooked us up at the door at Salvage Bar and Lounge and then lounging at the J.W. Marriott Hotel with Tenisha and Lashawn.
Heaven on Earth…it was Raining MEN!! Hello! Met my Long Distance Boo here (aka Germany, wink)! I can't wait to go back in 2014!
Jazz Festivals ALL Summer Long!!
Morningside High School c/o 1993
– 20 Year Reunion/3 Day Weekend –
Loved wearing my Monika Chiang puddy
Finished off the weekend with Jay Z & Justin Timberlake
Concert at the Pasadena Rose Bowl…Loved It!
Started my NEW JOB at Challengers
Boys and Girls Club as their MSW Intern Program Manager thanks to this Fabulous
Social Worker who created my position…Love You Sarah! Happy to be Reunited with Corey and My girl Nikki too!
The oh so Infamous “Good and
Hood” Long Beach Jazz Festival – Straight Comedy!! I Love Black Folks...My People!
I finally made it to a Dodger
Game @ Dodger Stadium – All U Can Eat Pavilion with my friends and family. It was so much Fun! I have to do that again next year!

"All White Party" at Sevilla Night Club in Riverside, Fun Weekend. Rocked "The Resheda" Dress exclusively from Thick Chic Boutique!
Princess Bailey’s Birthday month!
I Love this little Dog!
Celebrated my Mommy and my God Daughter Brooklyn’s Birthday on the Same Day!
First time at Big Wangs in Downtown L.A. for
Sunday Football with my Twin Sis…Love their Mimosas!
I went to the LA County Fair - Twice this Year!! I’m
just a BIG KID at Heart!
Loved my Halloween Costume this
Year – Leader of the Pink Ladies from Grease! I'm looking forward to next year...hmmmm what will I be??
J. Cole Concert at the Nokia Theater...Featuring Wale (oh yeah)!
Santa Monica Boys and Girls Clubs
– Main Branch “Art Exhibition” featuring Guest DJ Set by Nick Cannon; Sevyn
Streeter at JAMS Boys and Girls Club & A.C. Green at the Boys and Girls
Club Teen Summit! Gotta Love My Job!
Celebrated the BOSS’s Birthday -
CEO Corey Dantzler’s at
The W Hotel in Westwood with Food and Drinks at the Whiskey Blue Lounge…and ended the night at The Cork in Ladera! We roll deep and we make it happen!
The W Hotel in Westwood with Food and Drinks at the Whiskey Blue Lounge…and ended the night at The Cork in Ladera! We roll deep and we make it happen!
Half-Naked Men Dancing Everywhere…Loved it!
Challengers Boys and Girls Club Christmas
Party - Lucky Strikes Bowling Lanes @ L.A. Live…so much fun!
AVON sponsored Chris Paul’s visit
to Challengers Boys and Girls Club, hey now!
Ne-Yo and Wesley Jonathan Christmas
Toy Giveaway @ Challengers Boys and Girls Club…
Fine Ass Men! Hot damn!
Grand Re-Opening of Thick Chic
Boutique at its New Location…
More room for More CLOTHES!!! Yaaay!
Now that we’ve reviewed ALL My Cali fun…can ANBODY Tell Me WHY I’m still SINGLE???
As you can see My ASS is always getting into something…You would have thought I would have met SOMEBODY by NOW!!!
No worries this just gives me ALL
the more Reason to Keep The Party Going...!!
Countdown...5, 4, 3, 2...1
Happy New Year!!