Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

Hey Beautiful people,

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Who can deny a holiday that has a Christmas tree, 
Christmas lights, 
Christmas presents, 
Christmas carols, 
Christmas music by The Temptations & Nat King Cole, 
Christmas dinner and
Quality time with the family! 

Christmas is my favorite Holiday as it is the birth of Christ. Since we can't give him our gifts personally...I love that We have a Santa Claus for the children and they receive HIS presents instead. I also love that I get to go shopping and pose as Santa's Little Helper! 

Now people take note - Our economy is not at its best and I know that times can be hard on parents and relatives so please remember that it's not about quantity but Quality.... and it is the thought that counts!  If you don't teach your children to be grateful for what they have you will regret it later, LOL, trust me!

Please believe me when I say...No matter how much I complain I'm so thankful for my FAMILY, Good Friends, my puppy Bailey and the BLESSED LIFE I have. 

The Adventures of SingleNFabulous will continue in 2013...so Stay Tuned!
You know I have to get into some type of Shenanigans come New Year's Eve ;) Smooches

Monday, December 3, 2012

Woman's Intuition

Hi Beautiful People,
Unfortunately, I've struggled to write this particular installment of my blog as I've had the hardest time trying to find the "right" words.

For the past month I've had the pleasure of having some free time to myself and the rare opportunity to reconnect with an old friend. We went out on a few dates and I had a good time. I thought I was getting to know this person all over again thinking that giving someone a second chance - things would be different....unfortunately this was not the case. Things did not work out the first time because I was in an emotionally unhealthy situation that I put myself in.....I wasn't getting what I needed and I was settling..... so I chose to cut ties with this person. But overall there was no love lost between us.

Sidebar - When you move on with your life and make new memories you forget what you've experienced in the past.
But it only took 1 small observation to help the past memories come flooding back. Then I picked up on more things that just did not sit right with me. I've never experienced so many "red flags" with one man! Ladies you have to trust your gut when it comes to putting yourself in a situation where you know in your heart something is not right. We have to also be very careful because a man can talk his way right back into your life. But I've learned by personal experience that Actions speak Louder than Words. Because my "gut feeling" is so Strong.....once AGAIN I have to separate myself from him. As much as I wanted this situation to blossom into a relationship the second time around...it's very clear to me that it just isn't meant to be :(
On a more positive note - I've been enjoying myself  reuniting with my old classmates of Morningside High School to plan Fundraising events for our 20 Year High School Reunion. I also had fun at the Trey Songz Concert and enjoyed the opening acts Elle Varner and Miguel as well as Trey's Special Guests - Lupe Fiasco and Fabolous!

So needless to say The Adventures of SingleNFabulous must go on!
Hopefully, I will have more eventful activities to report to you very soon!

Until then.....Smooches

Friday, November 30, 2012

When You Least Expect It

Hi Beautiful People,

He and I have History and we have known each other for 5 years. When we first met the relationship was "intense" with no parameters in place...not the best way to start out... when you are looking for a monogomous relationship (me) but because (he) was not ready to settle down yet (this was my perception) as a result we ended up going our separate ways.

It recently started with a random phone call from him out of nowhere. Communication between us has never been a problem. We've both been honest with each other since day 1. No one misled the other and we've always been cool.

That one random act has progressed to casual conversation and one night led to an improptu meeting after the Long Beach Jazz Festival. I enjoyed every minute of it!

We've seen each other in passing conveniently at public events and have always made empty promises to hang out. We've never lost contact...we just pick up where we left off.

One Sunday night I get an invitation to dinner.  I don't know how long its been since I went on an actual date. It was fun and relaxing. We reminisced about the old memories from when we first met and conversed about the new things that had changed in our lives. Sounds like someone has matured and been through some rough times in his own past relationships. But now he is interested in something more stable and drama free. (In my mind - Well then...I'm Your Girl :) I'm interested in dating this man but I'm cautious about what I'm signing up for.

We've hung out at the house just relaxing and he's assured me there is no pressure this time around. I think we've both grown patient and it appears he is not in a hurry to make any more mistakes but is eager to show that he has good intentions... I'm impressed.

There was a second date and we went out to dinner again and an after party...I had a great time. I can get use to this ;)

To Be Continued....Smooches!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Don't take your Mental Health for Granted...

Hi Beautiful People,

I wrote this Blog at 7am because I couldn't sleep. I've recently come to the realization that you are only a victim as long as you choose to be (this does not apply to all situations, i.e. domestic violence, criminal acts, etc.) If you have control over your life and can make decisions for yourself then you have all the POWER to do what is best for you.

Happy Birthday Taunya!
Too often do we put the needs of ourselves on the back burner and put the needs of others first. This can easily be relevant in our day to day work environment, personal relationships and interactions with family and friends. But what we don't realize is that if YOU are not healthy-mentally, emotionally or physically - you are in no position to HELP anyone else!

Reflecting back on Me - I think it's safe to say that I've always consider myself a strong person. My mom and dad have always taught me to say what's on my mind (respectfully), fight for my rights (personal and political), try not to let anyone take advantage of me and take care of myself first. Well these principles are not always easy to live by.

It came to a point where I was very unhappy in my day to day life and it began to take a toll on me emotionally and physically. When my sisters said "We need an Intervention for Resheda" I knew I had a problem, Lol. At this point I knew I had let things get out of my control. So now I've decided to be proactive rather than reactive. It is very easy to complain about something but if you fail to do anything about it you are just as guilty of allowing yourself to continue in that situation.

If you want something you have to pursue it (short of stalking someone...ppl).
If you have dreams you need to do the research on how to achieve it.
If you have a goal (short or long term) you need to figure out how to reach it.

I've always known that nothing is ever handed to us and "with no struggle, there is no progress", however I recently learned that if we continue to be "content" in our current situation it will continue to be that....our only option.

I finally became tired of being taken advantage of and have come to the conclusion that if I'm going to make things happen in my life I have to be assertive and do it MY WAY, lol.

I tried it your way and that shit ain't working for me anymore! Good advice from a Good friend (thanks Taunya) I'm doing what's in the best interest of ME and I'm doing it Stress Free!

So now I have this rare opportunity to get the ball rolling on my own personal projects in a short amount of "stress free time" that has been given to me...and I thank The Lord that he's given me this opportunity....as I believe everything happens for a reason.

So let the Games begin....No Excuses!
SingleNFabulous is STILL Single...and on a New Mission

P.S. - My latest Adventures have included local Sports Bar, Sunday Brunch, Church, The Taste of Soul, Taunya's 40th Birthday Party and still no such luck in the Dating Department... Although there might be this 1 particular guy with potential in my future....To Be Continued.... :)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Family First !

Hi Beautiful People,

I am happy to report that I am enjoying my singlenfabulous life because I have no other choice, Lol. I'm loving my life and my family and that is enough for me right now.

I had a great time this weekend. It was mandatory that I take a day off of work to enjoy my puppy's 1st Birthday party.
Of course I ended up working the weekend anyway...are you surprised?!!! It was too much like right for me to think that I would actually get a "weekend off", SMDH. What can I say, I made the best of my weekend and had a great time!

Saturday morning I was up bright and early running errands and picking up last minute items for Bailey's Birthday Party at the Zoom Room in Culver City. I know this is not typical of any puppy parent but if you know me you know I have no children and Bailey is my "puppy child" :) I LOVE that little doggie! So of course my sister and I had to celebrate her 1st Birthday in style!

Birthday venue - check,

            Invitations mailed to Our friends and their doggies- check

                        iTunes playlist by Auntie Keesha - check,

                                    Bailey's yellow "Chewnel" tutu outfit - check,

                                                Mommy and Auntie matching outfits - check

                                                            Bailey having fun with her doggie friends -                                                                                                        PRICELESS!! 

I'd like to thank all of our closest friends - Meagan, Kirk and Nola; Keisha, Zoe, Zara and Cocoa (Bailey's sister); Caroline and Cassie and Bailey's favorite Uncle's Bruce & Davion - for coming out and bringing their dogs to enjoy the coolest puppy play date EVER :) planned by Yours Truly - Me!


Sunday morning the plan was to go to the LA County Fair with my younger sister and niece, however after all the puppy shenanigans from the night before I over slept. Thank goodness my sister texts me and says its going to be 102 degrees in Pomona and we are going to die a slow and horrible death in the sun if we go early, lol, so we changed our plans. A late Brunch at The Strand House in Manhattan beach, make sure we pick up my brother-in-law and then hit the LA County Fair "after-hours" when the sun isn't beaming down on us.

We had a blast! We played lots of games, won stuffed animals, ate delicious cheeseburgers and bought a whole bunch of stuff at the shopping centers. We can't wait to go back before it ends!!! 

No new prospects in the dating department as of yet so I continue to "do me" and try to have as much fun as possible when I have free time! 

The Adventures of SinglenFabulous must go on...Smooches!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My Summer has been Fifty Shades Funner, LOL

Hi Beautiful People,

I am very proud to say that I've been able to take advantage of what free time I have to get out and socialize. I've been to Jazz Fest West in San Dimas, Washington, D.C. for my Family Reunion, Long Beach Jazz Festival and the Gardena Jazz Festival.

I met an LAPD Officer at the Long Beach Jazz Festival but I won't hold my breathe. We've sent text messages but I have yet to receive a phone call and I made it clear that we need to have a conversation and he agreed. But I've yet to receive a phone call......Really?

I learned my lesson from the past and what I won't do is "chase a man". If there is one thing I do know it's that if a man is interested in you he will make an effort to call you, spend time with you and clear his schedule for you."
It doesn't help that my current Summer Read is: The Fifty Shades of Grey Series - Fifty Shades Freed :p, As freaky as that book is I understand why women are drawn to it. There is romance, hot steamy sex, chivalry, communication, courtship and unconditioinal love throughout this trilogy.

I've come to the conclusion that I am a hopeless romantic and I would love to meet someone who is even remotely close to being fun, spontaneous, over protective and romantic like the main character in this  book. But I'm having trouble just meeting a "normal" guy. I've come to the conclusion that online dating is not for me. I just have to wait and be patient and HAVE FUN in the meantime!
I already have a plan for 2013 and it's as Selfish as they come, LOL. I've determined that since I am "Single" I am going to enjoy every minute of it until I am "Single No More"! I have planned as many 2013 activities as my pocket book can afford ;). My main goal right now is to focus on searching for a new path in my career that will enable me to make my own schedule. I believe a transformation is coming soon and this Blog is going to help me document. I'm also glad I have my SingleNFabulous followers to support me through it!

Until next time...the Adventures of SingleNFabulous continue...Smooches

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

You Never Know Until You Try!

Hey Beautiful People,
Throwback pic with my short cut!

Okay so I am officially irritated with the alleged “potentials”I met on Match.com and the market of men advertised on there.

Initially I was motivated -
It started with this one guy where we corresponded back and forth and I text him one weekend to ask him how he was doing and he responded. I wasn’t trying to hold a conversation but being thoughtful. I got one response, I then text him another question but did not get a response and then nothing after that. He could have called me because he had my number at that point or he could have asked me not to text him but to call him instead and I would have been fine with that…everyone has their preference but Nothing???? I haven’t heard from him since. Was that not an invitation once I text him? He now has my number?! Must I spell it out. I’m not completely done with him and I guess I can email him and ask him what his preference is but I don’t feel I’m the one who should contact him as I initiated the conversation outside of the emails. I will keep you posted on my decision…

Then there is this other guy. He does nothing but text me??? I had to check him because he kept texting me 4 times in the same day “a random hello, hope your day is good, hi, happy face…etc. Mind you I had a busy day and did not have time to respond but he’s still texting me. I had to let him know that texting me at 7am is not the business and if I don’t respond to the first text don’t send me 3 more…assume I’m busy! To cushion the “blow” because I know I can be “blunt at times” :)  I invited him to call me so we can have a “live phone conversation” but no he’s still texting me. And guys wonder why this is a turn off!!! On top of that when I respond to his text it feels like he’s not even reading it because he then sends another text (same day or on another day) saying some other random thought. He has yet to get on the phone and have a “real” conversation with me. I’m in my right mind to stop texting him all together and see if he picks up the phone to TALK. If not, it’s his LOSS!

The other guy that lives in Compton, has a cool job and had good conversation and seemed interested.... I gave him my phone number and he hasn’t called. Really? What was the point to us conversing via email if there is no “follow through”. I thought I was not suppose to be the assertive one in this case??? Lord I am too through. I feel like this is a waste of time and money!

My friend already told me I need to be on Plenty of Phish (it’s Free). If I’m paying for a Matchmaking Site and I’m not getting any decent men that are willing to step up I will have to save my money and venture back to my old school principals “meet your crazy butt live and in-person”and least then I can cut through the bull shit quickly! August is my last month on Match.com. some things better change or I will have to invest my money elsewhere (like a new pair of shoes)!

The Adventures of SingleNFabulous MUST go on....Smooches!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Online Dating...Why Not?!

OMG! Beautiful people,  I have to update you on my dating life!

My Black is Beautiful !

So I took a chance (on an unknown kid, lol - Clueless) and created my profile on Match.com. I left my options open as far as race and gave myself a 50 mile radius (because you and me both know I haven't had any luck within my neighboring cities). I've been getting matches in the city of Encino, Walnut, Sherman Oaks, Torrance, Compton, etc. These guys appear to be cool and I can decide on who I want to email based on how they describe themselves on their profile picture. You know I can spot a crazy a mile away!

I recently began corresponding with this 1 guy (retired fireman) and his profile information is right on point with what I'm looking for...however I need to have a few more conversations with him so I can get details on his expectations of a woman... so naturally you know I'm going to keep you posted :) I'm also not going to let this 1 guy be my only prospect...mama's on the prowl and always keeping my options open.

On the way back from D.C. I get another email from another match.com prospect. Only downfall right now is that he's 30 years old. I think I put my preference as 35 and older. You know I'm young at heart....but I ain't no cougar, Lol. He left his phone number and expressed his interest. It looks like we will have to have a conversation when I get back in town. Let me see what he's working with and/or have to offer and I will get back to you guys with an update.

Looks like I'm popular. Awwww wait a minute! I got an email from a brotha in Compton. He already told me he is gainfully employed and has been on the job for over 6 years. He enjoys outside activities, traveling, having a good time and companionship. He doesn't sound bad at all.
L.A. meets D.C.

Okay, so I went to No prospects... to talking to three guys right now, get em Sheda, Lol. I've been conversing (that's how you say that people - conversate is not a word, lol) with these gentlemen via email and the conversation has been pretty cool so far. Now I just have to figure out when is the right time to meet them in person (in a public place of course ;). You guys know that I don't have the best work schedule but I'm going to have to figure something out. Starbucks meet and greet, Lunch date and/or Taco Tuesday Happy Hour. This way I'm not wasting my time or their money, Lol.
By the next Blog I should have met at least one or two of these guys in person and I can give you the skinny on how the initial first impression went down. Remember what happened last time (Blog 4/4/11)...I refuse to give anybody a ride home...Again...that's just out the damn question!

Until next time...The Adventures of SingleNFabulous Continue...Smooches

Thursday, July 12, 2012

My Family Reunion on the East Coast - Washington, D.C. baby!

Good morning Beautiful People,

It is officially July 6th, 2012 at 7:01 am and I am sleepy! Just got off the plane traveling from LAX to Detroit, Michigan. I took a Red-eye and I have a 4 hour layover (lucky me) so I'm sitting at Max & Erma's for Breakfast. Detroit's airport is pretty cool as it has a tram overhead that takes you from one terminal to the next, a few cool shops are open for you to spend all your money before you even start your vacation and there are actually a lot of options in your choice of eateries. Overall, I'm just grateful I found a place I can sit comfortably and eat something other than Starbucks or Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf...I was able to get some real food that isn't overpriced :)

For those of you who don't know, I always have an annual trip planned to forcefully give myself a vacation which becomes inevitable and necessary to my mental health. One year I get to wild-out and go to the Essence Festival and then the following year my family chooses to host a family reunion in different states. As you can see, it is the year of the Family Reunion and Washington, D. C. is the spot to be at. This will be my 2nd time in D. C. ...1st time was at a Howard University Graduation years ago. Seeing that I'm really not familiar with the East Coast and I won't have a lot of time to venture out and explore the neighboring states such as New York... I have officially decided to plan a New York trip in 2013. There are so many things to do, people to see and places to shop that I will probably need to be there at least a week ;)

My Family Time in Washington, D.C. was truly Priceless!

Friday night -
Family met at the Cafe downstairs at the " Meet and Greet" to receive our weekend reunion information and I fell in love with our patriotic family T-shirts :). The day ended with dinner at Maggiano's with myself, my adult cousin and her daughter and my Aunt and Uncle. Dinner was delicious (especially the crab cakes) and we took enough food back to the hotel to eat for 2 days. I highly recommend this restaurant and I believe we have one located at The Grove in LA :) Sad to say that I did not get to go out and experience the D. C. nightlife as my twin was not able to make it to the Reunion :( and my adult cousin had her daughter with her so I didn't have a partner in crime to hang with me. There was no way I was going to brave the D.C. streets by myself with no knowledge of where the hell I was going. I guess it worked itself out because I needed to go to bed due to the 3 hour time change and I knew I was expected to get up early the next day.

Saturday Day - The 1/2 Day D.C. tour was GREAT!
Bright eye and Bushy Tailed...I am not a Morning person, LOL...Coffee was mandatory! My family of approximately 30 people boarded an air conditioned chartered bus and got a tour of our nations Capital. My Flip video came in handy when we were at the Lincoln Memorial as it was very historical and breathtaking to see history right in front of me. My "paparazzi" Nikon camera...that I love soooo much...came in handy for the Walk-Patterson daytime activities such as the family photo at the White House, pictures of The Capitol and pictures of the New! Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial.

Saturday night - I was Beat up from touring in the 105 degree heat and I thought I was going to take a nap in my hotel room but that didn't happen. Loehman's, TJ Maxx, Nordstrom's Rack were calling my name :) and seeing as they were in walking distance...how could I say no :). After not spending any money because nothing caught my eye it was time for dinner at Georgia Brown's soul food restaurant. It turned out to be a very nice place with live jazz music, beautiful ambiance, delicious food and great customer service. Our party of 9 ate, drank and was merry, Lol. I was happy that I was able to get out and experience some form of night life seeing that I didn't get the chance to really go out and enjoy a Lounge. Oh did I tell you we took the underground Metro blue and orange lines to get there. That was fun and very convenient. I haven't even taken the Metro in L.A. (note- something to do when I get back home).

Sunday Banquet - Fellowship with family. This is the last day of the reunion and it was time for us to part ways. Brunch was delicious and we took lots of family photos. The family agreed the next Family Reunion would be hosted in Las Vegas in 2014. I'm so excited and I can't wait to plan this Reunion because we have to make it happen because we Reppin the West Coast!

Well beautiful people, no love connections in D.C. but that's okay because I have another plan brewing as I type.

Until next time...The Adventures of SingleNFabulous Continue...Smooches

Friday, June 29, 2012

I Whip My Hair Back and Forth...LOL

Hey Beautiful People,

June is here and I feel the Sun coming Out!
I LOVE the Season of Summer.
It’s the perfect weather for attending as many Jazz Festivals as possible!

I Love my 80's Ponytail
By the way...I did go out on a Date with that “so-called” Basketball Player and “he just wasn’t my cup of tea”, LOL.

In summary, he was cheap (we went to BJ’s instead of what I suggested P.F. Changs), his conversation was boring (I couldn’t wait to get up out of there), he came on too strong (felt the need to talk about my “spirit” and “aura”) and his outfit was from the 1980’s (remember the parachute windbreaker jumpsuits…uh yeah…I was like Really? This is the same guy who initially told me he was looking for a mall that had the Armani and Gucci store) and lastly….I found out he has 3 kids. That’s a deal breaker for me, I’m done!

Here’s the Single Ladies Ratio my younger sister taught me sometime ago. If I have 0 kids then the man is allowed to have 1. She told me that you can’t expect any man of my age (30 ish :) not to have any kids…we have to be realistic. However you don’t have to accept the “Brady Bunch” either unless you are comfortable with integrating into this family. Clearly I'm not.

Don’t get me wrong I’ve met men with children and I can handle 1, maybe 2 depending on their ages but 3 “no bueno”. So that Date was a Bust! and I haven’t been on any others since. I really think I’m going to get on Match.com next and see what happens J. I’m not a fan of the Free Single websites because I think “everybody and they mama” will get on those (no offense to those that utilize them). If you have any good reviews of these sites feel free to stop by and Comment and let me know what your experience has been. As for my preference I'm going to need to weed out some of the cheap dates and I’m willing to invest a little money into my future. I will keep you posted on how that endeavor goes!

New Edition Concert! Oh Yeah
Ronnie, Bobby, Ricky and Mike...Ralph and Johnny too!

I almost did not go to this Concert people! My head was hurting, I was tired, my sister and I were running late and I didn’t have anything to wear. But I mustered up the strength, threw on some clothes and made it happen. I am so Happy I went. We heard all the old school jams and had a blast. Of course I had to run into some people I know…because it's a small world. Don’t you love it when a guy sees you and gives you all the Attention in the world because he obviously misses you,  but the minute you are out of his eye sight you are out of his mind. That’s a Red flag for me! So sad which is why we are...Moving on.  It was a great Concert and I had a good time. Now all I have to do is find out when Boys II Men are performing so I can complete my Old School Roster!

Okay so I mentioned Jazz Festivals’ at the beginning of the Blog…
Upcoming in the Month of August is
RnB Live at Pomona Fairplex,
JazzFest West in San Dimas and
 The Long Beach Jazz Festival…whose going with me J?
 If they have a Sunday Jazz date...I plan on being there!

P.S. I forgot to mention I will be in Washington, D.C. for my Family Reunion 4th of July weekend. So let's see if I can have a little fun on my vacation!

The Adventures of Single and Fabulous will Go Down
on the East Coast next week.... so stay tuned...until then Smooches!

Monday, June 4, 2012

All Dressed Up with Nowhere to Go

Hey Beautiful People,

I'm soooooooo frustrated over my Memorial Day weekend.

I came off of a rough work week and my Saturday night ended with me taking someone's kid to foster care.... I needed a drink and my 2 step.

So I admit, I decided to try and go to an ALL White Party at the last minute because I didn't want to have a 3 day weekend to go to waste.

Unfortunately, I didn't go see my Stylist this week and my hair wasn't done because I was suppose to be going to the gym (i'm still working on that part :) So I was going to have to create a miracle with these blonde/brown tresses!

Sunday morning: I dragged my sister into this mess and convinced her WE needed to go out to celebrate the Weekend.

1st on my Agenda -  I found a dress at my favorite spot Philthy Ragz...where you can never go wrong!

Then, I hit up my homeboy and told him I was going to swing through to the Geisha House in Hollywood focused on having a good time because its been awhile.

Sunday Afternoon: My sis and I went to the mall looking for a white blazer for her and accessories.

Sunday night: Faces were "beat" as usual...and We were fashionably late as usual..what did you expect ;)

Outside the Geisha House, no line? (red flag)......Paid $20......Get inside and it's a small room with a crowd of people.....Really is this it? So I found out there is another room in the Club but it just hasn't opened up yet. But after looking at this crowd of people it just wasn't "my cup of tea".

First of all, Why do you invite people to an All White Party and not enforce the dress code??? If this was the case I would have worn whatever the hell I had in the closet. Second, why are there always more girls then guys. Third, did you even look at who you invited to this party...any and everybody???

I'm sorry but I openly admit that I have bougie tendencies! If I wanted to go to a hood party I would have hit up a house party, there is a time and a place for everything. But when I'm dressed to the 9's and trying to find a husband I'm trying to go Upscale. Well apparently I wasn't in the right place because my sister and I left within the first 20 minutes as it wasn't our type of crowd. I was so disappointed and had to inform my homeboy that my expectations were much different that what he was promoting.  He normally has a good track record :(

We then tried to go to another destination Jon B Live at the Conga Room but I was told there were way too many women there too! Another failed mission.

We were All Dressed Up with nowhere to go...it was such a disappointment.

Home was my final destination.

I'm so sad that I wasn't in Las Vegas with my boys Dana and Kasey :( now THEY know how to party!
So now I'm planning my vacations way in advance! Labor Day weekend I will not be at work. My vacation is being planned now! For the upcoming Jazz Festivals I will be buying my tickets in advance! I will never deal with this situation again! I Definitely need to find another job ASAP, these hours are ruining my social life!

Speaking of Social Life.....I met a guy at the gas station by accident.

Okay here's the quick version:

I was working in Long Beach Friday night and was trying to get some gas.
He asked me for directions to Lakewood Mall, I helped him out

He mentioned he was from NY just bought a house in Signal Hill and just moved out here to play for the Clippers...whaaaaat?

Oh Lord, please don't set me up again!
I said he looked a little short to be playing for the Clippers (i was clownin)

He got the joke and stated he was a point guard (ummmmmmm hmmmmmm).

He mentioned he wanted to go shopping to pick up a few pieces from Gucci and Armani so I redirected him to South Coast Plaza.

He thanked me for taking the time out to help a brotha out and offered to take me to lunch.
We exchanged numbers... Not bad huh?.....he seemed cool.

I will keep you posted on any future activities with this one. I haven't confirmed the Clipper status yet so I will let you know when I obtain additional information. Seeing that the season is over he may be on the roster for 2013, we will see???

Until next time...The Adventures of Single and Fabulous must go on...Smooches!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Destination Wedding - Negril, Jamaica

Hey Beautiful people,

I tried to get this damn Resort Wi-fi to work without charging me astronomical prices so you could get an International Blog this week :) straight from Jamaica mon! But that didn't happen...so sorry...maybe next time!

Blogging in Jamaica
 Topic of the Day - Marriage

Although marriage is not the most popular pathway people have chosen to take in this day and time, I am proud to say I still believe in the "institution of marriage".

The reason for my position is simple: I know couple's who are happy and in a successful relationship.

Case in point - I am in Negril, Jamaica attending a "destination wedding" of a very loving couple (mid to late 20's) who appear to cherish each other and have made the commitment to spend their lives together. I was in Cancun 2 years ago attending another "destination wedding" of a Couple that was around my age (mid to late 30's). I can't help but to think that "true love" and "compassion" still exists and that special someone exists for each and every one of us...when the time is right.

I also have other positive examples in my life such as my parents, uncle's/aunt's and grandparents that have been in long term marriages and it appears to be working for them 30 plus years later. Seeing that this is the example my family has shown me regarding commitment it is only natural for me to seek out a committed relationship that will eventually lead to marriage.

All that being said, I am completely excited about being in Negril, Jamaica to attend a wedding and take a long overdue Jaication (Jamaica + Vacation :)!
1st stop - The Seawind Resort Hotel (1 night only), Greeted with a Rum punch and a cold towel...I can't complain. Live Jazz music and Jerk Chicken Dinner for $12, Delicious!

I loved relaxing at the outdoors Restaurant located by the water listening to the cover band sing all the greatest hits from...Nintey-four Seven, The Waaaaaaave! Lol

2nd stop - Couples Resort - Swept Away (3 nights)
Greeted by a glass of champagne and a cold towel...heeey now! Let the party begin! We meet up with the engaged couple and get the party started with the wedding guests by THE most gorgeous beach, woo woo!

Our girl Trisha made sure we stayed cute as she was on BGHW - Black Girl Hair Watch- from Friday to Saturday, while we were on the beach! Everyone knows the last thing a sista wants to do is get her hair wet. My twin and I had to make sure the hair did not get WET as it had to look good for the wedding Saturday! Afterwards all bets are off :)
Sidebar - Next time I go to Jamaica you best believe I'm braiding this hair up and jumping straight in that beautiful water! Don't' get it twisted I will be ready for all the water sports: snorkeling, wave runners/jet skiing and parasailing.

First on the Agenda - OMG! The Bob Marley shots on the beach...tasted like kerosene, it was no joke! I was good and tipsy for the rest of the night! The wedding was held in the Garden and it was Beautiful. The Dinner/Reception was on the beach and it was Gorgeous. The partying started on the beach and continued to the Resort Club. My ankles were hurting after all that dancing! I had a blast with the most coolest people ever!

Bob Marley Shots!
This was a stress free/relaxing vacation and I enjoyed every minute of it! Granted I should have slept with every cute Jamaican guy there (as there were a few) but I just wasn't feeling it! Sidebar - back in my college days I would have gotten it in! But at this point in my life I didn't' feel the need to re-enact Stella getting her groove back! If anything I was "envious" of all the "couples" (most married) that were present and attending the wedding. It's times like these where I wish I had a "spouse and/or significant other" when going to a Couples Resort.

Of Course...
Leave it to Resheda to attract the wrong kind of guy in another country! I briefly met this guy by accident in the Pasta Bar line during dinner. I wasn’t trying to create attention, he introduced himself to me. He was okay looking but appeared to be a little rough around the edges with lots of random tattoos and a chipped tooth. He introduced himself, said he eas from Chicago and has been watching me during most of the vacation (yellow flag - possible stalker). I ask him what he does for a living, he says he’s an “entrepreneur” (red flag – that’s not specific, that’s a general description). He asks for my phone number but states his phone doesn’t work in Jamaica (yellow flag – my phone works, what’s wrong with yours?) He says he’s willing to fly to see me in LA (red flag – you don’t know me, we just met! Hell I’m not thinking about flying out to see you, I’m thinking let’s have a few phone conversations and find out what we have in common). Needless to say he managed to write his phone number down on a piece of paper to give to me….too many yellow and red flags for me to even entertain the idea of a long distance relationship…okay maybe he just didn’t peak my interest. And the  beat goes on... :)

Sidebar - Just a Warning - never fly Spirit Airlines they are a total rip off! They get you by advertising a “cheap” airfare but then charge you for everything under the sun once you buy your ticket!

Overall, I had a great time…I enjoyed my Jaication and I wish it could have lasted longer but it’s back to REALITY!

Let’s see what future activities I can get into that can provoke some stimulating Blogging…
The Adventures of SinglenFabulous must continue…Smooches!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Text Msgs vs. A Real Conversation

Hey Beautiful people,

Kirk & Meagen's Bridal Shower @ the Malibu Winery

Sorry for the delay but I had to rewrite this Post because something happened and I lost everything. I could have swore I saved everything but here I am re-doing it, again!

Shout out to My girl Tanya - Major Must Havs blog for sending new Followers my way :) Thanks boo!

A few weeks ago I went to the Pet Expo with my twin sis and puppy Bailey. This Expo is in Orange County for three days and Friday is the only day they allow you to bring your pet. I thought it would be a great day to get out in the sun and let Bailey run around with her fellow four-legged friends. It turned out to be a beautiful day and everyone was so friendly and nice. While hanging out at this Event browsing all the different Vendors and the products they had for sale I ran into a nice looking guy! In the process of talking about the "product" he was trying to sell me he asked for my phone number, Cool.

Mistake #1-
He sends me a text message instead of taking the time to pick up the phone and have an actual conversation!

Granted we've had very few basic text conversations prior to what you are going to read below.

Here's how the TEXT conversation went on 4/22/12:

Him: You got a curfew tonight
Me: Nope

In my mind - what kind of question is that...I'm grown!

Him: Maybe we should link up and make out, lol.
Me: Lol, where u trying to meet up?

In my mind - he's playing right? "make-out?"

Him: I'm still in Costa Mesa
Me: Ok hit me up later

In my mind: call me when you are closer to L.A we can meet somewhere.

Him: So u down to make out?
Me: U doing too much, I don't know you MAN!

In my mind: He is serious??? Really?? I just met your ass!

Him: Lol

In my mind: You're laughing but you really want to know if meeting up with me is going to be worth your time...WOW.

It's sad how I'm able to tell you guys verbatim how this conversation goes via text message. What happened to "talking"??? This is a total turn off for me. It's like "conversations" have become Extinct - null and void. You can not truly get to know someone by sending a 2 to 4 long ass text messages!

You think I've heard from that fool since...Nope! He was cute but he already had an Agenda and knew what he wanted and ASSUMED I was going to give it to him... but that nucca don't even know ME! That's the problem, No one wants to have a conversation anymore to get to know someone. Well I;m sure we've all concluded that he wasn't THE ONE, Lol.

Ladies...I refuse to settle so I guess it's On to the Next One! I'd rather be by my damn self than have to deal with the BS!

The Adventures of SingleNFabulous must continue... so on to Negril, Jamaica for a Wedding. 
Let's see if Stella can get her Groove Back, lol. 

Well I know I'm bringing Sexy Back while I'm out there.... 
but I AM NOT bringing a JAMAICAN Back, Lmao!


Saturday, March 31, 2012

Do I Look Like a Groupie Chick to You?

Hey Beautiful People,
Aren’t you proud of me? Back to Back Blogs, LOL.
I Love my New Hair Color! Thank you Tanya & Mimi
Get a comfortable chair and a glass of wine because this Blog is going to have you falling out your chair!

You know I had to update my people on what happened with the alleged “NFL athlete”! This Blog is a Part II: follow-up to "Sunday Night with Chico DeBarge".

For those of you who don’t know I “investigate” for a living and have 7 years experience at doing a damn good job. When I tell you I tried to Google this man and to no avail have I been able to provide confirmation that he is really an athlete! The reason why I want confirmation is because it goes to HIS credibility. Do not claim you are something you are not. If you are a Realtor/Broker, Business man/Owner, CEO, or a Retired Athlete/Coach…whatever the case maybe…then claim that!

Here’s the Scenario:
Sunday Night - Met at the Game Sports Bar/Lounge. He introduced himself and offered to buy me a drink. Proceeded to say he wanted to take me out to dinner, take me shopping and buy me a house!
(In my mind - Confusion set in…You don’t even know me!)

Monday night – I received 8 picture text messages containing pictures of HIM, his money, him holding his money and his blinged-out watch! (In my mind - I’m not impressed , so I ignore the text…why are you sending these pics to a perfect stranger you just met?)

Tuesday morning – I receive a phone call from this fool at 8am…he doesn’t leave a message. In my book if you don’t leave a message you didn’t call and it wasn’t important, BAM! (In my mind - Is he out his damn mind?! I am not thinking about HIM at 8 in the morning!)

Wednesday morning – I receive 2 back to back text messages from this man. 8 more picture text messages of this fool and then another 9 more picture text messages. Him and his house, him and his black Bentley, him and his white Mercedes Benz, him and his black Mercedes Benz, him on the beach, him in his sweat suit, him in a after 5 suit…Lord please make it stop! (In my mind – I’m irritated now…HE is out of control.)
We have yet to have an actual conversation and I have endured All of The Above!!!!

It is now time for me to respond to this madness. I’m pretty sure every person would have handled this situation differently (in their own way) but if you known ME, I’m not one to sugar coat anything. I’m going to give it to you straight, no chaser! In addition, at this point I feel insulted because I feel like he’s trying to buy/bribe me with his material possessions and in my mind his approach is unacceptable. You’ve heard that it’s the 1st Impression that sets the tone, right?
I have to precede this story with a Disclaimer: Please note that this is just my opinion and perception of the situation. In no way does anyone have to agree with me! To follow is my "text conversation" with this man “verbatim” so that you can see how the conversation unfolds (I did not leave anything out as there was no need to, except for his fake identity, LOL). If I’m wrong I have no problem owning up to that and I’m always open to “constructive criticism” as I appreciate other people's perspective that are on the outside looking in. As I received great Comments on the last blog I wrote about “the man with no car who asked me to take him home after the date” (check the Blog Archives for that story J).
Please know that the conversation below contains “graphic language” LOL. So if you are easily offended by certain profanities…please STOP reading now!

For the rest of my SingleNFab Followers, “It’s about to Go Down!”:

Wednesday Afternoon: My first response to this man after he’s sent me a total of 25 picture messages (all via text):
ME: All these picture text messages are a "turn off". You need to come up with a better approach when courting a woman! I am not impressed with your material items.  Please delete my number.
HIM: Bitch I'm a millionaire NFL athlete stupid ho fuck I need to impress u for u confused.

(The Inglewood side of me came out at this point! I don't tolerate DISRESPECT!)
ME: Fuck u nigga if you all that why the hell you by yo damn self! Go to hell...an NFL player don't mean shit to ME! Go get yourself a groupie bitch, cuz I'm not the One!

HIM: Yes u are the one and I don't want a lady just a hot girl red bottom shoe diva
(I have officially diagnosed him Bi-Polar after this response!)

ME: (I ignored this last text and didn't respond)

Friday afternoon:

HIM: This is the NFL wide-receiver u met at GS. What size pants tops and shoes do u wear and do u prefer Louis vutton or Gucci handbags.

(Please note: Nothing is Free! He is going to want something in return and I ain't trying to give it, there is no Attraction whatsoever on my part). 

ME: Thank you for the offer but I'm only interested in finding my husband-to-be! I really hope you find a FUN female you can lavish with gifts that makes you happy with "no strings attached". Take care!

HIM: Husbands and wives don't grow on trees boo friendship then fellowship then engagement then marriage then romance keep up wit me I'm solid as a rock and over intelligent.

ME: I agree, but it is extremely clear to me that we both have a different way of pursuing the things we want!

HIM: Work wit me so that I can work with u towards a common goal be it marriage or whatever

ME: Not interested.

I hope this is the last I hear from this man. I’m soooo NOT interested in what he’s offering. We both would have known where each other stood if we would have just had that “initial conversation” that laid everything out on the table. In no way am I saying All men are like this and YES I am putting him on Blast as an Example of what NOT to do when trying to impress a female!

Thanks for listenening followers...I had to get that off my chest! ;)

The Adventures of SingleNFabulous MUST go on...especially if I have to continue to put up with this Tomfoolery! Smooches