Hey Beautiful People,
Aren’t you proud of me? Back to Back Blogs, LOL.
I Love my New Hair Color! Thank you Tanya & Mimi |
Get a comfortable chair and a glass of wine because this Blog is going to have you falling out your chair!
You know I had to update my people on what happened with the alleged “NFL athlete”! This Blog is a Part II: follow-up to "
Sunday Night with Chico DeBarge".
For those of you who don’t know I “investigate” for a living and have 7 years experience at doing a damn good job. When I tell you I tried to Google this man and to no avail have I been able to provide confirmation that he is really an athlete! The reason why I want confirmation is because it goes to HIS credibility. Do not claim you are something you are not. If you are a Realtor/Broker, Business man/Owner, CEO, or a Retired Athlete/Coach…whatever the case maybe…then claim that!
Here’s the Scenario:
Sunday Night - Met at the Game Sports Bar/Lounge. He introduced himself and offered to buy me a drink. Proceeded to say he wanted to take me out to dinner, take me shopping and buy me a house!
(In my mind - Confusion set in…You don’t even know me!)
Monday night – I received 8 picture text messages containing pictures of HIM, his money, him holding his money and his blinged-out watch! (In my mind - I’m not impressed , so I ignore the text…why are you sending these pics to a perfect stranger you just met?)
Tuesday morning – I receive a phone call from this fool at 8am…he doesn’t leave a message. In my book if you don’t leave a message you didn’t call and it wasn’t important, BAM! (In my mind - Is he out his damn mind?! I am not thinking about HIM at 8 in the morning!)
Wednesday morning – I receive 2 back to back text messages from this man. 8 more picture text messages of this fool and then another 9 more picture text messages. Him and his house, him and his black Bentley, him and his white Mercedes Benz, him and his black Mercedes Benz, him on the beach, him in his sweat suit, him in a after 5 suit…Lord please make it stop! (In my mind – I’m irritated now…HE is out of control.)
We have yet to have an actual conversation and I have endured All of The Above!!!!
It is now time for me to respond to this madness. I’m pretty sure every person would have handled this situation differently (in their own way) but if you known ME, I’m not one to sugar coat anything. I’m going to give it to you straight, no chaser! In addition, at this point I feel insulted because I feel like he’s trying to buy/bribe me with his material possessions and in my mind his approach is unacceptable. You’ve heard that it’s the 1st Impression that sets the tone, right?
I have to precede this story with a Disclaimer: Please note that this is just my opinion and perception of the situation. In no way does anyone have to agree with me! To follow is my "text conversation" with this man “verbatim” so that you can see how the conversation unfolds (I did not leave anything out as there was no need to, except for his fake identity, LOL). If I’m wrong I have no problem owning up to that and I’m always open to “constructive criticism” as I appreciate other people's perspective that are on the outside looking in. As I received great Comments on the last blog I wrote about “the man with no car who asked me to take him home after the date” (check the Blog Archives for that story J).
Please know that the conversation below contains “graphic language” LOL. So if you are easily offended by certain profanities…please STOP reading now!
For the rest of my SingleNFab Followers, “It’s about to Go Down!”:
Wednesday Afternoon: My first response to this man after he’s sent me a total of 25 picture messages (all via text):
ME: All these picture text messages are a "turn off". You need to come up with a better approach when courting a woman! I am not impressed with your material items. Please delete my number.
HIM: Bitch I'm a millionaire NFL athlete stupid ho fuck I need to impress u for u confused.
(The Inglewood side of me came out at this point! I don't tolerate DISRESPECT!)
ME: Fuck u nigga if you all that why the hell you by yo damn self! Go to hell...an NFL player don't mean shit to ME! Go get yourself a groupie bitch, cuz I'm not the One!
HIM: Yes u are the one and I don't want a lady just a hot girl red bottom shoe diva
(I have officially diagnosed him Bi-Polar after this response!)
ME: (I ignored this last text and didn't respond)
Friday afternoon:
HIM: This is the NFL wide-receiver u met at GS. What size pants tops and shoes do u wear and do u prefer Louis vutton or Gucci handbags.
(Please note: Nothing is Free! He is going to want something in return and I ain't trying to give it, there is no Attraction whatsoever on my part).
ME: Thank you for the offer but I'm only interested in finding my husband-to-be! I really hope you find a FUN female you can lavish with gifts that makes you happy with "no strings attached". Take care!
HIM: Husbands and wives don't grow on trees boo friendship then fellowship then engagement then marriage then romance keep up wit me I'm solid as a rock and over intelligent.
ME: I agree, but it is extremely clear to me that we both have a different way of pursuing the things we want!
HIM: Work wit me so that I can work with u towards a common goal be it marriage or whatever
ME: Not interested.
I hope this is the last I hear from this man. I’m soooo NOT interested in what he’s offering. We both would have known where each other stood if we would have just had that “initial conversation” that laid everything out on the table. In no way am I saying All men are like this and YES I am putting him on Blast as an Example of what NOT to do when trying to impress a female!
Thanks for listenening followers...I had to get that off my chest! ;)
The Adventures of SingleNFabulous MUST go on...especially if I have to continue to put up with this Tomfoolery! Smooches